Sociedade Imperatriz de Desportos, commonly known as Imperatriz, is a Brazilian football club based in Imperatriz, Maranhao state. They competed in the Serie B once, in the Serie C five times and in the Copa do Brasil twice.
The club was founded on January 4, 1962 as Sociedade Atletica Imperatriz. The club competed in the 1987 Serie B, which was the White Module of the Copa Uniao, being eliminated in the First Stage of the competition. Imperatriz competed in the Serie C in 1995, when they were eliminated in the Second Stage of the competition by Intercap. The club was renamed to Sociedade Esportiva Imperatriz on February 2, 2000. and soon after that to Sociedade Impeatriz de Desportos, which is its current name. They competed again in the Serie C in 2002, when they were eliminated in the First Stage. The club competed in the Serie C in 2003, when they were eliminated in the Fourth Stage by Tuna Luso. Imperatriz were eliminated in the First Stage in the 2005 Serie C, but in the same year they won the Campeonato Maranhense. They competed in the Copa do Brasil in 2006, when they were eliminated in the first round by Vitoria. The club was eliminated in the Second Stage in the 2007 Serie C Imperatriz competed again in the Copa do Brasil in 2008, when they were eliminated in the first round by Sport.
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