The former striker spent the whole of his career at boyhood club Aston Villa, who at one point paid him the tidy sum.
Breakfast host Alan Brazil was astounded by Gabby's attitude to the vast sums he was receiving in his playing days though.
After Gabby revealed what he used to get, Al enquired: "So that's about 300 grand a month?"
Gabby responded: "The tax man takes about half of it…
Al joked: "Oh so he's on 300 grand a month and he doesn't want to pay tax! Can you believe it? Oh dear… you're not worried when the pension comes in, are you?"
Darren Gough was also on the show and Al couldn't resist having a cheeky pop at him, too.
"What about you, Goughie? There's you buying your boys a house, I'm next to the Midland Bank here…
Goughie: "[Gabby] could do that after a month though!"
It also sparked a conversation about how much Gabby and Al would be worth if they were playing in today's game.
Asked how much he feels he'd go for, Gabby said: "Ten times more than Jamie O'Hara! I reckon he'd go for £3.5mil so maybe about £35million.
And when asked how much he feels he'd go for, Al said: "It's hard to put a price on it… Trevor Francis went for £1million and he was a great player, I went for a couple of £500Ks and £650Ks. I got regular goals.
Gabby interjected: "£50million I reckon… and the private jet."