Following football's steps towards more regular international competitions and less "meaningless" international breaks, FIFA have announced they want to take one more step.
To make more sense of the sporting calendar, the football organisation are keen to group international breaks into the month of October, rather than having them every few weeks.
Working as FIFA's Chief of Global Football Development, Arsene Wenger has outlined how he believes the calendar should be organised.
"I would say that's one of the solutions we will discuss is to compact the qualifiers, but instead of going away in October, November, September, March, June, we regroup the qualifiers all in one month or two," said Wenger.
"Between the two qualifying windows, the player would stay in his club all year round.
"There must be less of a mix in the calendar between the periods of club football and periods of international football, and therefore fewer transcontinental trips for the players, for example."
A World Cup every two years
Wenger went on to explain when they may be able to begin holding World Cups every two years.
"[A total of] 146 federations have asked to hold a World Cup every two years, and in December we will see," he said.
"Overall, I think I have got a very positive response, but this decision is a democratic decision and will be certainly made by the 211 countries who are affiliated to FIFA."
The footballing calendar is currently decided upon until 2024, but if this were to go ahead, we could see a World Cup every two years from 2028 onwards.
Ronaldo approves
Former Brazilian footballer Ronaldo Nazario has shown his support for the new plans, as he is keen to see more competitive international football.
"I am very optimistic about the changes," he said.
"The World Cup will continue being the most prestigious event on the planet. The current calendar was established a hundred years ago, and that is a [long time ago]."
"We are all in agreement with the proposed calendar. Every two years is a marvellous idea.
"If you ask [Lionel] Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo, they would certainly say they want more opportunities to win the World Cup."